What Is Psychosensory Therapy?
It is a therapeutic neurobiological touch designed to help the brain de-traumatise memory.
One such therapy is known as Havening Techniques®.
Scientific research has shown that traumatic memories are stored in an area of the brain called the amygdala. The purpose – to keep us safe. It ‘records’ negative experiences so when faced with possible danger, we are prepared to run or defend – commonly known as ‘fight or flight’. Traumatic memories have the ability to affect our emotional and physical well-being, sometimes resulting in anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias, and relationship challenges.
Havening is a neuroscience-based touch therapy that aims to change the emotional landscape left behind after a trauma-causing experience. This touch, applied to specific areas, stimulates a neurochemical pathway to help the brain re-wire itself, separating earlier memories from the emotional distress felt.

Meet the Team

Experienced midwives, Dr. Christine Mellor and Dee Dawson are your certified Havening practitioners. Initially, both were intrigued by Havening after working with people who had experienced trauma, fear, and grief associated with pregnancy and childbirth. However, Havening also eases distress in a much broader sense, and they are offering Havening to people with all kinds of trauma-related anxiety.
Dee and Christine then explored the research, completed the training, and, through undertaking multiple case studies, realised just how astonishing this therapy is.
Willow was born.

Who Can Benefit From Havening Techniques?
Anyone who is experiencing the negative effects of a trauma, fear or belief.
While Willow Psychosensory specialises in working with women's health concerns, Christine and Dee offer therapy to all people. Here are some examples of what we can support you with:
Traumatic childbirth experience, including trauma experienced by support people
Fear of childbirth
Fertility struggles
Post-natal fears and concerns
Pregnancy loss
Childhood trauma
Sexual trauma
Workplace trauma
Fear of surgeries/procedures
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Unexpected outcomes/diagnosis/adverse events
Loss of a loved one
Relationship challenges
Unexplained chronic pain

Willow also offer a custom service to Support Practitioners & Organisations
Is Willow right for your...
Clients l Staff l Frontline Practitioners | First Responders
Health Service Provider
Fertility Service Provider
NGO's and Govt. Organisations
GP & Medical Centres
Midwifery Practices
Practices & Organisations

What To Expect
Willow practitioners employ Havening Techniques, which are safe and non-invasive. The goal is to alleviate distress linked to specific stored memories in the brain by using touch to particular areas on the body.
You will be welcomed, and we will start by talking about Havening and how it works, your needs and concerns, and make a plan together for the session. You will never be asked to share more than you are comfortable with sharing. You can remain sitting in a chair or you may prefer to lie down. Either way, you remain fully clothed and the environment is private and peaceful.
Your practitioner will applying specific yet soothing touch to areas on the hands, upper arms, and face. The nerves in these areas release neurochemicals and create delta waves in the brain to soothe the brain's emotional centre – the amygdala.
The entire session takes 60-90 minutes.

Remote Sessions
In the event a client cannot attend one of our clinics, a remote session can easily take place via Zoom. In this instance your practitioner will instruct you where to place your own hands on the relevant areas as they guide you through the therapy session.
Please contact us if you would like to discuss a remote session.

After the Session
Most people report feeling calm, relaxed, and ‘light’ following a Havening session. Many need only one or two sessions. More sessions may be needed if there is more complex trauma. Willow is completely client driven and there is no obligation to have more sessions than you need or wish to have.
We will contact you the week following the session to see how you are feeling.
You can then contact Willow any time you would like to see us if you feel we are able to help you further.
The effects of the therapy are expected to be long-term.
Find out more about our debriefing birth session.

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"The healer you have been looking for
is your own courage to know and love yourself completely"
Yung Pueblo